Depanners and Depanning Equipment

Apex Motion Control offers unique and gentle depanning choices for this very labor intensive task.
Robotic grip, needle and pan flipping conveyors are some of our most popular solutions.

Multi-Needle Head

From single head for lower production volumes to large multi-needle heads that can depan 48 muffins at a time. 


Vacuum Gripper Head

Collaborative and industrial robotic solutions
to handle packaged items that are generally transferred into a box or container.

180 Pan Flipper 

Collaborative and industrial robotic solutions
to handle packaged items that are generally transferred into a box or container.

 Depanning Capabilities

Robotic grip, non evasive needle transport and 180 degree pan flipping conveyor. 

Needle Grip & Head

This "non-evasive" method allows you to depan multiple items 
at the same time. For example, 4 muffins from a baking tin then automatically load to clamshells.
This sytems allows you to add more cobots as needed to keep 
up with production demands. It also allows you to set the pace 
of your production team.

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Robotic Vacuum Grip 

Also available as an end of arm attachment (end effector) for our series of cobots — Baker-Bot or Flexi-Bot, this multi-grip attachment work perfectly for removing pans from products once thay have been
flipped over

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180° Pan Flipper

This unique conveyor is a great solution for prepping loaf pans, 
cake pans or muffins tins to be depanned.
The infeed can be feed automatically or manually, and at 
the outfeed once the pans or tins have been flipped, you
can manually remove the them or integrate a Baker-Bot
to automatically remove them. In addition, by integrating 
a second 180° flipper at the outfeed, you can automatically 
flip the products right side up.

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  Benefits of Working with Apex Motion Control

Apex Motion Control has 25 years of experience helping wholesale industrial bakeries streamline production,
increase throughput, consistency and accuracy while helping them build a plan for future business growth. 

Benefits of Apex Motion Control Equipment

Versatile modular solutions  .  Reduce repetitive strain to workers  .  Increase productivity and consistency   
Standard and custom configurations  .  Remote & Onsite Support & Service  .  Integrates easily with other OEM's

Reach out and let us know what your Depanning Needs Are.


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